Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Unexpected Proud Parent Moment

Thanks for clicking your way to this post. I'm glad you are here and I have great story I hope you will like.

While I coaching students at my school, there is no denying the required after school practice time it consumes. The past few weeks have been filled with skunk tag, human RPS, bouncing bones as a way to conceal actually running.

With 40 ish participants it becomes difficult for a coach to run at a pace that benefits all gr 3 - 6 students. Cue ACTIVE LEADERS.

"We need some running leaders" 90 % of hands go up (I'm sure the other 10% were just focused on the rabbit in the field behind me). It amazes me that even with 6 weeks of using the Leader in Me vocab students have already bought in.


Yesterday was race day. 3 school. 4 grades. 1600 meters. Student cheerleaders, parents, granola bars and juice. On your marks..get set...go!

Cue proud "parent" moment. I have never been as excited or full of pride as when I saw the faces of each student crossing the finish line. Yes, we have two students pace in the top 3. Yes, we had student finish in the bottom 10. BUT THEY ALL FINISHED! The all did it! Words don't do justice the gushing delight that erupted in my heart! Yeah Team!

.... and then because we had the most participants and the brightest team spirit (in addition to how well we placed), WE WON THE TOP SCHOOL TROPHY. Well, you would have thought we we awarded the grey cup: photos, kisses, fake drinking out the trophy. And they deserve every minute of the glory.

Thanks for reading.
Can you relate to the "proud parent" feeling?
Have your children or students made your heart melt?


  1. I love that you guys won the top prize...LOVE IT! I especially love that the number of participants and brightest team spirit were factored in to the top nod. Inspiring greatness.

  2. First time excited for them and then new blog.
